All this while singing a song? Are you serious about turning the steering wheel?

Nope, there's no auditory feedback, also because on the highland the noise insulation (from windows, not from wheels, ironically) is so strong that you can't even hear the rear gear buzz.
The current way the Highland works is that after you connect the seatbelt*, you apply brakes, it turns D or R based on the last parking, i.e. if there was an obstacle in front or not at the moment of parking, that is the scenario I was describing. How is that connected to the steering wheel? In that specific scenario I didn't touch the steering wheel and it just went backwards, because the car parked in front of me at the moment of parking meanwhile had left.
*and this is already annoying, with every other car these are two simultaneous actions to me, i.e. I engage gears while I'm connecting the seatbelt... at least, they should make it that if the brake is already applied, connecting the seatbelt should be enough, not requiring to lift the foot and apply the brake once again