Vibration in model3 2024 highland AWD


New member
Oct 2, 2022

Got my new model 3 a month back, had a 2021 refresh AWD earlier.

when driving home from the pick-up point it vibrated heavily in the steringwheel at 115 to 140 km/h. It had summer tires on.

I have changed to the Winter tires now that was on my 2021. It vibrates in the seat when driving 50-60 km/h…

It has come to my knowledge that I am not alone and Tesla don’t know whats wrong…

anybody with this issue in here, never had that with my 2021 refresh


Well-known member
Oct 28, 2022
No problems here with a RWD, so maybe that’s the difference. I’d say get the balance checked on the wheels, shouldn’t have to with a new car.


New member
Oct 2, 2022
No, though we are actually quite a few with new model3 with the same problem. Many Han gotten the tires and even rims, but nothing removes the vibration.

and the issue is the same on to different tires and rims. And never had the issue with the same winter tires and rims that I have on now.

I am afraid that Tesla might have a defect on some suspension materials, but until now they haven’t found anything wrong but agrees that there I vibration.

some years ago I had the same issue on my Peugeot, and they keept it secret what they fixed after 40000 kilometers it never vibrated again. Had lots of different tires and rims mounted with same result, but they finally deassembled the suspension and fixed it

hope Tesla vil be a bit faster solving the issue.