V12 FSD riding on Right line


New member
Feb 10, 2023
Bermuda Dunes, CA
I totally agree that version 12.3.6 can’t drive between the lines. On our monthly trip thru the steep mountains the car can’t help but driving over the double yellow lines and reflectors on the left side, followed by putting the right side tires over the white line on the right side of the road a on the next curve. That is extremely dangerous for us and the other drivers on the steep mountain road. Oddly enough, on the last 2 version 11 updates we could drive flawlessly 60 miles to our destination and back without any take-overs except to manually drive into the destination driveway, and our home driveway!


New member
Feb 10, 2023
Bermuda Dunes, CA
Yes. Absolutely, to the point where I take over when going up twisty mountain roads. That, coupled with the indecisive lane changes make this otherwise wonderful build very annoying.
Let’s hope that versions 12.4… and 12.5… are able to recognize lane lines, and stay between them at All times. We’re missing great FSD trips in the mountains!


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Apr 14, 2024
Yes! The first time I drove after V12, it was so bad I thought I would not be able to use FSD at all any more because of it. Since then it doesn't do it all the time, but many times I have to take it out of FSD and leave a message. Yesterday, it was riding the right line again so I took it out of FSD by raising the stalk up (I did not change lane position) and it beeped at me to take over immediately because of a lane departure warning! Seems like it's ok for the car to drive over there, but not me. It's bad enough when I'm in the right lane and it rides the line, but it is even more dangerous when I'm in the left hand lane and it rides the right hand line - it puts me way too close to the other lane of traffic. I keep hoping it will be fixed in the next update, but so far it has not changed. I'm on v12.3.6 now.
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Well-known member
Oct 28, 2022
Yes! The first time I drove after V12, it was so bad I thought I would not be able to use FSD at all any more because of it. Since then it doesn't do it all the time, but many times I have to take it out of FSD and leave a message. Yesterday, it was riding the right line again so I took it out of FSD by raising the stalk up (I did not change lane position) and it beeped at me to take over immediately because of a lane departure warning! Seems like it's ok for the car to drive over there, but not me. It's bad enough when I'm in the right lane and it rides the line, but it is even more dangerous when I'm in the left hand lane and it rides the right hand line - it puts me way too close to the other lane of traffic. I keep hoping it will be fixed in the next update, but so far it has not changed. I'm on v12.3.6 now.
Ha! Yeah, it is more human like in that - I can drive like that, You shouldn't! Going up really twisty mountain roads I couldn't use FSD were there a passenger in the car because of this. For most other driving it's just mildly disturbing. The unsure lane changes REALLY annoy me for some unknown reason. You'd think I would realize it is what it is, and it won't get better until I get a new build. Maybe.


New member
Feb 10, 2023
Bermuda Dunes, CA
It’s funny how some cars on 12.3.6 seem to favor driving too far to the right, other cars too far to the left. That didn’t happen before the Neural Network came along.
In the mountains my car alternates between running over left lines and right lines. In the 2 or 3 years I have been using FSD I’ve never seen anyone on You Tube testing FSD in the steep mountains, and I watch current You Tube Tesla videos daily. All the bad behaviors in FSD seem to be worse and more critical in the mountains, but few seem to know about it.


New member
Mar 27, 2024
It’s funny how some cars on 12.3.6 seem to favor driving too far to the right, other cars too far to the left. That didn’t happen before the Neural Network came along.
In the mountains my car alternates between running over left lines and right lines. In the 2 or 3 years I have been using FSD I’ve never seen anyone on You Tube testing FSD in the steep mountains, and I watch current You Tube Tesla videos daily. All the bad behaviors in FSD seem to be worse and more critical in the mountains, but few seem to know about it.
I can’t speak for mountain driving because where I live it is flat, but lately, it has changed from hugging the right line to hugging the left line. Very dangerous and have had to disconnect for almost hitting the center island curb that divides the avenues.

I would say as another poster said about should always be dead center in the lane. For most of the time yes, but when passing 18 wheelers and other humans hugging the lines, the car should slightly move over in the lane so as not to hit the car you are passing.
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New member
Mar 27, 2024
My annoyance with FSD has always been the manner in which it keeps distances between cars and the unnatural way it breaks and accelerates! Some times it breaks way too soon and other it breaks way too late causing hard breaking!

I have to always keep my foot slightly on the accelerator so as not to cause people from rear ending me or getting annoyed by leaving such a large gap, allowing everyone to pass me and fill the gap. Also, independent of driving mode, at times it changes lanes by squeezing in between cars, cutting them off aggressively!
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Aug 14, 2023
Eastham Massachusetts
With all this feed back on Ver 12.
Do we know if or how it is sent to Tesla.
We see all the time the hate groups would just feed on accident do to running on the left or right lines. Just intrested in if our feed back gets back to Tesla.
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Apr 4, 2024
My MYP on 12.3.6 rides centered between lane lines. It will move to the left when passing a truck, then re-center. I have seen it drift over a yellow center line to get around a car pulled off toward the side of the road. Someone else in another forum had lane-centering issues until he recalibrated the cameras on his car.


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May 24, 2024
I have 150 miles on mine and it ran itself into the curb turning right...... This is a VERY VERY well marked, well mapped, wide city street. Damaged my brand new right rear rim...... NOT happy!
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New member
May 27, 2024
Finally! I was wondering when the complaints would start to appear. I have a 2017 MS and I have had fsd from its purchase. I’ve watched it evolve over nearly 140k miles now. We MSers first received the NN version at 12.3.4 and I noticed immediately how it hugged the right line like it used to many versions back.
Version 11.4.9 was flawless in this area of locking down the center of the lane - flawless. As one other commenter stated, it didn’t used to act this way on a roadway I use every day. This new v12.3.4 (and 12.3.6-current) would easily get me pulled over to perform a sobriety test!
But here is the strange part. We’ve all heard that the stack of instructions for city driving was where they “…threw out 300 lines of code and adopted the neural network…” and left the highway driving stack alone. It seems like this is true. Interstate divided limited access highways still perform well. Solidly in the center, no fading right to ‘split the width’ passing exit or entrance ramps. All is as it was with 11.4.9.
But now, let me define city driving a little bit more:
On tight city streets, or 2 lane roads with no shoulder and not high speed, or urban 4 lane metropolis streets, fsd generally performs better than version 11.4.9 did. As one commenter also said, it will navigate across the double yellow line to go around some object blocking a portion of my lane. It even waited until an oncoming car passed so that it could actually go across the yellow line in order to pass the offending object. That was new and fsd handled it very well.
But in 2 lane high speed roads (State Roads?) with a car width shoulder, fsd wanders over the lines. If a straight road, it wanders over to the right and eventually goes back to the center… almost. And it seems to generally occur in the same locations day after day. Night driving might change it slightly. But it’s still regular and bad. In a leftward bend, fsd hugs the left side and on one particular spot definitely goes over the line.
Now these situations are quite regular yet sometimes are a little different or will occur somewhere that it’s not occurred before. What types of roads that it does this on, is the difficult part to describe. The interstate highway is fine. The tight streets with no shoulders or deep city driving seem to be fine. Its the ‘intermediate’ streets.(so hard to really define this) that are the downfall of this version. FSD used to be this way in the early days, but it was completely gone in 11.4.9. Granted it could not handle tinier roads, suburban neighborhoods, and tight city streets as well as 12.3.6 does. So ultimately it’s a mixed blessing.
And, yes I have recalibrated the cameras with not the tiniest bit of difference.

I was so glad to finally hear others complain— it’s not something wrong with my particular vehicle.
certainly hope it gets handled soon because this is embarrassing to have someone following me see how this car is driving. And to top it off now when you take control back over, it drops the cruise control so you have to immediately get your foot back on the pedal in order to maintain speed. I can see why people are complaining about Teslas.
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New member
May 27, 2024
My MYP on 12.3.6 rides centered between lane lines. It will move to the left when passing a truck, then re-center. I have seen it drift over a yellow center line to get around a car pulled off toward the side of the road. Someone else in another forum had lane-centering issues until he recalibrated the cameras on his car.
Are you perhaps talking about Autosteer? I do see that Autosteer does NOT exhibit the problems we’re discussing here about fsd.


New member
May 27, 2024
So clearly the MS (and probably MX) that were added in at v12.3.4 have something different going on. SMH.
I’m finding myself forfeiting FSD and using Autosteer as it’s too embarrassing to be driving over the white line all the time and generally hugging the right side of the lane.

The Tesla in general is getting a bad reputation as it is without this new wrinkle to further prove the disinters are correct.
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New member
Jun 28, 2024
I bought a new Model X 2024 (Mileage 2400). Started FSD from 12.3.6. The car first drove between the lines very well. (It only crosses the line or drives close to one of them if another adjasent car appears.)

However, about two days ago, I noticed my car starts to driver much closer to the right line than before. The visualization indicates that the lines are correctly recognized. Not sure what's happening.

Has anyone tried to re-calibrate the cameras? (Since the lines are correctly recognized, I personally don't think the strange behavior is because of the camera calibration so I am just asking out of curiosity)


Well-known member
Oct 28, 2022
I bought a new Model X 2024 (Mileage 2400). Started FSD from 12.3.6. The car first drove between the lines very well. (It only crosses the line or drives close to one of them if another adjasent car appears.)

However, about two days ago, I noticed my car starts to driver much closer to the right line than before. The visualization indicates that the lines are correctly recognized. Not sure what's happening.

Has anyone tried to re-calibrate the cameras? (Since the lines are correctly recognized, I personally don't think the strange behavior is because of the camera calibration so I am just asking out of curiosity)
You know, I hadn't tried recalibrating for that exactly reason- it sure looks like the car 'understands' it is riding that line. If you DO try recalibrating let us know how it goes. Also, this thread may be helpful. Last time I did a recalibration it took FOREVER for it to complete- Camera Calibration for FSD in 6.5 miles


New member
Jun 28, 2024
Tesla Model X 2024 (Riding on the Right Line) Personal Camera Recalibration Test and Conclusion

Testing SW:
FSD 12.3.6 (Local Road)

Experiment Details:

Part 1: Without Recalibrating the Camera

Premise: The visualization system can correctly identify the lane lines and vehicle position.:D
  • Scenario 1: FSD rides on the right lane line on certain routes.:(
  • Scenario 2: On the same route, with FSD off and only lane-keeping enabled, the vehicle stays in the middle of the lane (slightly right).
Part 2: After Recalibrating the Camera
Premise: The visualization system can correctly identify the lane lines and vehicle position.:D

  • Scenario 1: FSD still rides on the right lane line on the same route.:(
  • Scenario 2: With FSD off and only lane-keeping enabled, the vehicle stays in the middle of the lane (slightly right), similar to before recalibration.
Additional Notes: After realizing that the vehicle could correctly identify its position and the lane lines, I suspected the issue was not with the camera. However, I still performed a simple recalibration. Moreover, in my conclusion, I believe riding on the line is a behavior trained into the AI model. :eek:My observation is based on other vehicles on the test lane, where a significant number of cars were also riding on the line or extremely close to it. I understand this human driving behavior aims to maintain distance from oncoming traffic, but the real issue is that the current FSD tends to ride the line for too long and too far. Additionally, it struggles to quickly recognize obstacles and road conditions near the right lane line.

Conclusion (based solely on my personal tests):
  1. Riding on the right line is a trained behavior that is not related to camera calibration. It is a "not so safe" behavior included in the trained AI model.
  2. I believe Tesla simply did not instruct the AI model to "avoid riding on the right line for a long time."
  3. This behavior is safe in the majority of cases.
  4. However, it becomes very dangerous in certain scenarios, such as when there are tree branches, mailboxes, speed bumps, or potholes and damage on the shoulder.:eek:
  5. I do not think we can resolve this issue without professional maintenance services.:( Therefore, I recommend that everyone disengage FSD when encountering this situation and provide real-time feedback to Tesla more frequently.