How can I use a different WiFi account?


New member
Apr 25, 2024
I have WiFi at home (of course) and my Model Y is all set up and using it just fine... Problem is, I am not there most of the day (about 10-12 hours or more) so I don't think I am getting updates often enough OR when it says there's an update available, it's usually in the morning as I am leaving for work (so I can't run it then) and, for some reason, when I get back home, sometimes it won't allow me to update until the following day?!? It's weird...

I already have 'advanced' turned on, so I should be getting updates faster? But it seems like they are only coming about every 2-4 weeks (or more!)...

I got updated to 2024.20.9 about 2 weeks ago, but nothing since...

But my main question is, how can I use my WORK WiFi (which is MUCH FASTER than home as we are on T3 at work)... It wants my login name and password, but they are BOTH different from what I use at home...

Is there a way I can have it connect up, while I am at work, using a different email account and password? But still have it connect up at home with my 'regular' info?


Well-known member
Oct 28, 2022
I have WiFi at home (of course) and my Model Y is all set up and using it just fine... Problem is, I am not there most of the day (about 10-12 hours or more) so I don't think I am getting updates often enough OR when it says there's an update available, it's usually in the morning as I am leaving for work (so I can't run it then) and, for some reason, when I get back home, sometimes it won't allow me to update until the following day?!? It's weird...

I already have 'advanced' turned on, so I should be getting updates faster? But it seems like they are only coming about every 2-4 weeks (or more!)...

I got updated to 2024.20.9 about 2 weeks ago, but nothing since...

But my main question is, how can I use my WORK WiFi (which is MUCH FASTER than home as we are on T3 at work)... It wants my login name and password, but they are BOTH different from what I use at home...

Is there a way I can have it connect up, while I am at work, using a different email account and password? But still have it connect up at home with my 'regular' info?
Sure, I do that myself. When you get to work select that network and type in your credentials and that's it. The car will find that network when you go to work, then the one at home when you go home. You're not limited to one. You need to have a good signal where you park of course, and I'm guessing your employer is fine with your car being connected :) . For most people I think the hardest part is Wifi signal strength where you park the car.


New member
Apr 25, 2024
Sure, I do that myself. When you get to work select that network and type in your credentials and that's it. The car will find that network when you go to work, then the one at home when you go home. You're not limited to one. You need to have a good signal where you park of course, and I'm guessing your employer is fine with your car being connected :) . For most people I think the hardest part is Wifi signal strength where you park the car.
Tried that... When I go to connect to the network here at work, it asks me for my password, but NOT my username... I assumed it was trying to use my username from the car (a gmail account)... employer is fine with it and since I work in IT it's not a problem knowing where to get the best signal, I can park right under an access point that's hardly used...
The WiFi here at work also uses gmail accounts, although they are 'private' ones (not ending in
If it asked me for my account info also, I could use my work account... But all it wants is the password... :(


New member
Apr 25, 2024
It’s asking for the WiFi password, not your user info. Just like at home.
And that's the issue... The password is different at work... but so is my username/login name... For my home, I use a 'personal' email account that Tesla (and my phone) use... But at work, the WiFi network is a secure network that requires login NAME, password and security (WPA2)... I can deal with the password and even the WPA2, but there's no place to put in the WiFi login name... I think the car just 'assumes' it's either an 'open' network (bad) or it uses by main email account (same one it grabs my calendar for).

Oh well... I will keep plugging away trying different things...


Active member
Feb 20, 2024
The only case where you would need a login name for WiFi is when the WiFi has a different form of authentication. Most Corporate WiFi only allow internal devices/users from the company, except you have some sort of "Guest" WiFi in your corp. There are many different authentication methods for WiFi, i am not sure which ones the Tesla does support. But it does not sound like it supports a full login or even certificate authentication.

But i don't understand where its an issue to use the home WiFi for Software Updates. I also use only the home internet to download those, they automatically download when available. After the download, you can choose the time to install it. This can be done everywhere, this does not need a WiFi connection. So i just let it download over night, drive to work where it stands about 9 hours and i install the update while its parked at work. This takes about half an hour ususally, so its no problem because its anyways sitting 9 hours. I doubt that you are getting updates faster when connected to WiFi all the time. It anyways checks only once a day if an update is available. Be patient, new versions will come to your vehicle as soon its approved for your exact hardware combination. Also, Version 2024.20 is installed on the major part of the fleet currently, so its not unusual that you are still on this version, most of the cars are.

Greetings, Joe


New member
Apr 25, 2024
The only case where you would need a login name for WiFi is when the WiFi has a different form of authentication. Most Corporate WiFi only allow internal devices/users from the company, except you have some sort of "Guest" WiFi in your corp. There are many different authentication methods for WiFi, i am not sure which ones the Tesla does support. But it does not sound like it supports a full login or even certificate authentication.

But i don't understand where its an issue to use the home WiFi for Software Updates. I also use only the home internet to download those, they automatically download when available. After the download, you can choose the time to install it. This can be done everywhere, this does not need a WiFi connection. So i just let it download over night, drive to work where it stands about 9 hours and i install the update while its parked at work. This takes about half an hour ususally, so its no problem because its anyways sitting 9 hours. I doubt that you are getting updates faster when connected to WiFi all the time. It anyways checks only once a day if an update is available. Be patient, new versions will come to your vehicle as soon its approved for your exact hardware combination. Also, Version 2024.20 is installed on the major part of the fleet currently, so its not unusual that you are still on this version, most of the cars are.

Greetings, Joe


Thanks for your insight. Just so you know, the reason I would rather get the update at work is because where I live the signal for the WiFi is very weak so it 'loses' connection sometimes... I even have a WiFi 'extender' to give it more of a 'boost' (I can get 2-3 bubbles now instead of just 1) but it still doesn't always connect up at home... At work however, I can literally park about 20 ft away from an access point (which is 6/6E with 10 Gbps) connected to a T3 line so it would likely download the update in a couple of minutes (instead of the 30-60 it takes at home)...
However, it is a 'secure' network that does REQUIRE a login ID, Password and WP2...
There is a 'guest' network as well, but that's not going to work as it requires you to attach and it then takes you to a website to make a 'login' that's good for only 48 hours... Besides which my car isn't going to know to open a browser to try and connect up (tried it, no go)...

I think I may try to set it up as a 'new' network (as in "add" one), but I can't do that if it already exists so I have to figure out how I can get rid of it... Maybe at lunchtime I will drive 'out of range' of the WiFi and see if I can then 'add' it, drive back and connect... I don't know...

As a computer tech, sometimes my car really frustrates me... I'm used to being able to use my admin privilege's (at home and at work) to 'delve' deeper, but doesn't look like it's going to help with the WiFi issue as there's no 'advanced' or 'admin' setup available... Oh well...
I realize also that I don't get updates 'daily' and such, but I have missed getting them in the past because I wasn't connecting to the WiFi at home when I thought I was...
Maybe I just need to pull some cable and put in an extender (or get another mesh router to add to my home network). I just hate pulling cable AND I would have to install electrical (ideally) as well which means putting in conduit, 2 gang box (I don't like 1gang ones), electrical outlets, etc. as well...
BUT, If I do all that it WILL be sweet!! Sheez, if only I was 20 years younger (or 30! hehe)...

Well, thanks for your input...


Active member
Feb 20, 2024
Sorry to hear that its giving you issues at home. I thought 2 or 3 bubbles should be enough, as i only have 1 at home and its downloading fine in the night. You could also give a mobile Hotspot at home from your phone, whenever there is a pending update maybe? The notification for updates is also shown when not connected to a WiFi Network. So you could boost the download with Hotspot whenever there is one, if you have enough mobile data in your mobile flat rate. Most phones can also be used as WiFi extender.

As long as Tesla is not providing any options for typing in login credentials for secure WiFi, i see no other chance at that, unfortunately.

Have a great day!


New member
Apr 25, 2024
Sorry to hear that its giving you issues at home. I thought 2 or 3 bubbles should be enough, as i only have 1 at home and its downloading fine in the night. You could also give a mobile Hotspot at home from your phone, whenever there is a pending update maybe? The notification for updates is also shown when not connected to a WiFi Network. So you could boost the download with Hotspot whenever there is one, if you have enough mobile data in your mobile flat rate. Most phones can also be used as WiFi extender.

As long as Tesla is not providing any options for typing in login credentials for secure WiFi, i see no other chance at that, unfortunately.

Have a great day!

Thanks for your info and insight... Unfortunately, I can't use my phone as a hotspot at home because we live in a 'dead zone' kind of... We are at the crux of 4 towers (we're as far away as you can get from them and still 'see' them at all - picture a box where each corner is a tower but each tower can't quite reach the CENTER of the box... and of course we are in the 'center'... We have even offered carriers to put up a 'supplemental' antennae on our house to 'fill in the gaps', but nobody wants to bother... Basically, it means we have NO CELL coverage when inside the house (but we can use our home wifi inside) and OUTSIDE we're lucky if we get 4G/LTE (usually it's 3G speed)... so bad WiFi is actually better in the long run...

No, it looks like I will need to move things around I guess... Or maybe I can convince the guy in charge of our WiFi at work to 'add' my personal address to the list of authorized users... But that would be setting a precedent of course...

Thanks again though...