FSD not really available

Mike Gombatz

New member
Nov 28, 2022
information that FSD is available immediately on request for those that qualify is not accurate. Tesla still holds the unpublished formula as to who gets it and when. The intent may be there, but realistically it has not happened and those in the media should not publish that it has.


New member
Oct 25, 2022
I wish Tesla maintained a communications department. I think this is one of those cases where it would have helped. Tesla has opened FSD Beta to all people who own or rent FSD. The problem is that Tesla doesn't roll back SW versions _and_ currently, most non-FSD owners are on version 2022.40.x while the FSD beta is on 2022.36.20. This means you will have to wait until the next major FSD release (probably V11) surpasses your SW version. I had to wait for FSD SW release like this as well. This could have been handled better by Testa. They could have made this clear in their press release, or they should have waited until the FSD branch caught up with the main branch. I don't think this was intentional, but Elon wanted to tell people it was opened up, and he didn't consider this hick-up.

Let's hope they roll out v11 soon!

I'm a little surprised that he went wide with the current version. It drives ok, if too timidly, but it lacks two "basic" features, and the first one can be dangerous:
1. It doesn't seem to handle yield signs (!!!)
2. It doesn't handle "no turn on red."

Mike Gombatz

New member
Nov 28, 2022
I wish Tesla maintained a communications department. I think this is one of those cases where it would have helped. Tesla has opened FSD Beta to all people who own or rent FSD. The problem is that Tesla doesn't roll back SW versions _and_ currently, most non-FSD owners are on version 2022.40.x while the FSD beta is on 2022.36.20. This means you will have to wait until the next major FSD release (probably V11) surpasses your SW version. I had to wait for FSD SW release like this as well. This could have been handled better by Testa. They could have made this clear in their press release, or they should have waited until the FSD branch caught up with the main branch. I don't think this was intentional, but Elon wanted to tell people it was opened up, and he didn't consider this hick-up.

Let's hope they roll out v11 soon!

I'm a little surprised that he went wide with the current version. It drives ok, if too timidly, but it lacks two "basic" features, and the first one can be dangerous:
1. It doesn't seem to handle yield signs (!!!)
2. It doesn't handle "no turn on red."

Mike Gombatz

New member
Nov 28, 2022
Thank you for your kind reply. That seems to be focus of how most people explain the delay in providing beta FSD. My 2022 Model X is on 2022.36.20 so the Beta should be pushed. Owners have a reasonable expectation if payment is made the full technology should be available. I would like communication to be able to reflect what is occurring in order to hold Tesla accountable. IMO.


New member
Oct 25, 2022
Wait 2022.36.20 is FSD build ?!? Have you enabled it under autopilot settings? New option just below the navigate on autopilot settings.