Discuss: Tesla Releases FSD V13.2.1 - What's New


Well-known member
Oct 28, 2022
Got it last night. Used it this morning.
ROUTING is still the weakness here. Particularly getting out of parking lots.
Still turns into a 'suicide' lane and trys to merge into a straight through lane which is not what that lane is for. It's for turning from, not into. Also when it does this it is blocking a left turn lane like a true self centered ass.
Otherwise silky smooth. Starting from a parking spot is pretty sweet. I think this is gonna be just as big of a deal as the no hands on wheel monitoring. I didn't think it was a big deal but now that I have it- nice!
We came up on a road closed sign on one of our routes. The car wanted to go straight for another block, then turn right and then left. Since there was a road closed and could not go straight it turned right at the intersection with the sign and then left onto the road it was trying to get to anyway. Smooth as silk, no drama and exactly as a person would do. I *hope* that's not a fluke!
I was in 'standard' the whole time. There was a point where it STILL wanted to jump into a left lane (2 lane in town road) that was totally unnecessary. There was a slow car in that lane as well, just dumb. Boy the car really thought it had to be in that lane, tried twice to get over which makes me look stupid as I'm cancelling with the turn signal.
I think it's getting close to being good enough to make the price go up for SFSD.


Apr 4, 2024
I have found a few flaws between flawless drives. Certainly doesn't need nearly the interventions as 12.x. But, like others, I've seen this:
1. red hands warning to takeover immediately when the car turned into the setting sun in a parking lot. I was very confused as the car had mastered everything for the past few days, and we were basically stopped already when it happened. Happened once, and it was the only FSD fail I've seen from v13. Living in Phoenix, this could be a problem.
2. navigation issues. with 13.x, they seem worse than before. There seems to be a mismatch at times between the maps we see and what FSD sees.
3. parking lot issues, mostly related to getting out efficiently
4. inconsistent parking at the end of a drive - sometimes it parks, sometimes not. Seems only to park in limited situations, and the times it backed into places for me, I had to park. Doesn't use the Park Assist software.
5. puts on annoying and wrong turn signals when the road curves, but you don't actually change lanes (will it do this for every turn on Lombard Street in San Francisco?)

New stuff:
backs out of parking spots, including my garage
properly handles my gates coming and going
sometimes parks itself at the end of a trip. Parks in front of my house when I go home. But not into the garage.
is faster at stop signs (well, faster everywhere)
is faster in slow turns
is generally fast enough to keep up with traffic
doesn't freak out at hooded stoplights, or brick pavers
drives smoother than I can, even if I have it on chill and try my best
generally now makes lane changes enough ahead of time to not have to worry about it

V13.2.1 doesn't drive like a robot programmed to drive, it feels like a brain tailored to its environment, and it often thinks faster than you. It displays a mastery of driving that becomes obvious as you ride along. Not in parking lots, and not when the mapping is wonky, but enough to relax. I want to drive on empty canyon roads. I never wanted to drive in parking lots and city traffic, where you have to have your head on a swivel. It's so nice to be driven!
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Well-known member
Oct 28, 2022
+1 to Everything that Craig said.I haven’t had it try to park after a drive yet. I had it back out of my garage today, backed into the roadway and started on the route. My only complaint was it was on the wrong side of the road when it started which is VERY problematic as my lot is on a curve and someone approaching from the direction I was going would have been startled and upset. Rightly so.


Aug 14, 2023
Eastham Massachusetts
Ya i had it back out of the garage and head to work.
But are you guys seeing the issue with it hugging the right still. For some reason it loves the right side of the road on smaller roads to the degree that I've had to take it back.
Then they still haven't fixed the speed up after the car slows . I've had to speed up myself to get back to 60.
But overall it's a big improvement.


Well-known member
Oct 28, 2022
I haven't seen it hugging to the right enough that I took over, even the last v12 did pretty good on switchbacks going up mountains to the point where I didn't take over. Which car are you driving? I'm in a Y.
It did charge into a 45MPH zone at 60 (coming from a 55) and I reported that. That was annoying. I put it in chill after a while from standard just to see what it does. Do you all think it's using physical brakes less? Seems smoother than I can drive. Just about every time I think 'we should be getting over' it changes lanes, but I think it could still change a little earlier.