Discuss: Tesla Introduces 5G Modem; Speeds Up to 1000 Mbps


Well-known member
Oct 28, 2022
Ah, so that's why there's a cut out in that beam. I hope the whole computer system is as future proof as the modem.
This is also a good time for me to mention my concern again- These cars *rely* on connectivity. Tesla doesn't own any of the cell networks, and in certain areas they are NOT all created equal. That is- it feels like there isn't much competition. I don't know about the rest of the US or other countries but that part of the tech has me a bit concerned. I guess it's not 'vertically integrated' like a lot of things. FWIW- I have tried hot spotting my phone for the car to use but it's pretty cumbersome on both ends. I'm not one to leave my phone's hot spot on for the convenience of getting in the car and having it work. I can use Siri to turn it on, which is nice :) . In the end I spent the $100 for premium connectivity through the car with AT&T even though my phone has better coverage.