Discuss: Tesla Holiday Update Wish List Part 2: Evolving Autonomy


Well-known member
Oct 28, 2022
Personally I'd love to see auto park be quicker and more accurate to the point where it scares me. Because right now it is timid enough that it's annoying and I can do better myself using all three cameras.
I really hope the holiday update is v12, or at least something beyond the 11.4.x builds out there. The unnecessary lane changes and turn signals won't be missed. I also still get some unnecessary slowing when approaching a VRU that's really not something to get excited about. I've had my car pull out in front of traffic approaching at 60MPH causing me to press the accelerator and get a message in the energy page saying I could drive more efficiently with less heavy acceleration.
Other than that this build has some solid performance. Auto headlight problems are gone (in my limited experience), it is better at 3 & 4 way stops than people are.
Some time has passed since the last decent dot update, so here's hoping for a Christmas miracle. Or a New Year's miracle. Or a Valentine's Day miracle...
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Jul 26, 2023
Ich würde sagen wenn Tesla die Funktionen von "Enhanced Autopilot" endlich bei den Fahrzeugen ohne USS nutzbar macht wird ein riesiger Schritt für Tesla im Umsatz und eine große Freud bei den Besitzern der Fahrzeuge ohne USS losgetreten. Das Herbeiholen wäre ein echtes Zeichen um enge Parkplätze nutzen zu können... Das wäre ein gut vor finanziertes Weihnachtswunder - für das viele bereits seit langem gezahlt haben und Tesla keine Kompensation plant, für den entstandenen Ausfall!