2022.24.6 is updating vehicles to Tesla Vision, although you may have missed it


New member
Sep 2, 2022
I understand that the vision way is more like the human way but what what about the additional safety radar brings in bad weather conditions like heavy rain or fog or at night? So my feelings toward pure vision is very mixed. I have to agree it feels smoother than before with the radar.

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Staff member
Aug 18, 2022
I understand that the vision way is more like the human way but what what about the additional safety radar brings in bad weather conditions like heavy rain or fog or at night? So my feelings toward pure vision is very mixed. I have to agree it feels smoother than before with the radar.
Yes, you're right. I feel that's where some people have a hard time giving up radar. There's still some areas where radar is the clear winner. Vision will never be as good seeing in poor conditions, but it's possible someone may be left out without transitioning to vision since Tesla is putting all their eggs in that basket, at least for now.
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New member
Sep 4, 2022
Noob question. I have a brand new tesla model 3. Two weeks old and this update showed up yesterday.

I thought it was only for older vehicles with radar?


New member
Sep 4, 2022
Will this apply to older HW2.5 equipped vehicles? That’s what I have and I’m perfectly ok with sticking with radar. If they want to push vision only, they Tesla should update my hardware to run the software they’re having everyone use.


New member
Sep 4, 2022
Perché se ho pagato un radar, adesso deve essere spento, e dovrô portarmi un peso morto a passeggio??? Non sono d'accordo anche perché qui c'é sempre molta nebbia e pioggia! Si dice che in belgio piove 11 mesi l'hanno, ci sarà un motivo.....!!!!

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Staff member
Aug 18, 2022
Will this apply to older HW2.5 equipped vehicles? That’s what I have and I’m perfectly ok with sticking with radar. If they want to push vision only, they Tesla should update my hardware to run the software they’re having everyone use.
This may only apply to HW3-equipped vehicles, as I don't think I've seen any HW 2.5 transition to vision.

Not a Tesla App

Staff member
Aug 18, 2022
Noob question. I have a brand new tesla model 3. Two weeks old and this update showed up yesterday.

I thought it was only for older vehicles with radar?

Congrats on your new car and welcome to the Tesla community! The same update will usually apply to the majority of vehicles, but certain features may only apply to specific models or specific hardware. In this case the transition to Tesla Vision feature will only apply to some vehicles with radar as newer vehicles are already on Tesla Vision.

In the release notes section it will show the hardware requirements next to the the regional information to show which vehicles it will apply to.

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Staff member
Aug 18, 2022
Perché se ho pagato un radar, adesso deve essere spento, e dovrô portarmi un peso morto a passeggio??? Non sono d'accordo anche perché qui c'é sempre molta nebbia e pioggia! Si dice che in belgio piove 11 mesi l'hanno, ci sarà un motivo.....!!!!
Radar is certainly still better in certain situations like in poor visibility like you said, but vision is also better in other situations. FSD Beta only relies on vision and it's clearly the future. The hope is that it catches up or beats radar in the majority of the situations.


New member
Sep 4, 2022
Radar is certainly still better in certain situations like in poor visibility like you said, but vision is also better in other situations. FSD Beta only relies on vision and it's clearly the future. The hope is that it catches up or beats radar in the majority of the situations.
Mi vedo costretto a disattivare gli aggiornamenti automatici della macchina, non voglio escludere il radar che ho pagato! Per legge non possono togliermi qualc'osa di mia proprieta a piacimento loro! Possono se accetto darmi un prodotto pari o superiore ma non inferiore ! Questa situazione in europa rischia di diventare un serio problema per tesla


New member
Sep 6, 2022
Just had 2022.24.6 install and excited to test it out tomorrow. Question: my car seems to have ‘lost’ Navigate on Autopilot; is that just me, did they move it to somewhere else in menu, or what? I have a 2020 M3 Performance with FSD option. Thanks!


New member
Sep 2, 2022
Just had 2022.24.6 install and excited to test it out tomorrow. Question: my car seems to have ‘lost’ Navigate on Autopilot; is that just me, did they move it to somewhere else in menu, or what? I have a 2020 M3 Performance with FSD option. Thanks!
Hi Jarvis. I do have the same model as you with the FSD and I can confirm that I still do have the navigate on autopilot. It depends on where I navigate to either it will be possible or not. I guess if there are no highways on the route it will not apear. But it was the same way before this update.


New member
Sep 7, 2022
I use navigate on autopilot everyday going into the office (1hr. commute) in heavy traffic, and now with this vision only 2022.24.6 version I get cut off constantly in traffic and the breaking is noticeably more frequent. This is because of the two car length minimum distance I’m sure - the car feels too precautious now and it’s kinda annoying. But of course, at least it’s still self driving nonetheless..


New member
Sep 2, 2022
Just had 2022.24.6 install and excited to test it out tomorrow. Question: my car seems to have ‘lost’ Navigate on Autopilot; is that just me, did they move it to somewhere else in menu, or what? I have a 2020 M3 Performance with FSD option. Thanks!
That happened to me as well until I found that the NOA had turned itself off! (Even with it turned on this update seems to have downgraded many autopilot capabilities. Many users are suggesting doing a camera recalibrate- I did this but only minor improvement
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New member
Sep 2, 2022
Now after a 2000km+ with 2022.24.6 I find it smoother on the autobahn in normal traffic. I did have more strange brakings out of nothing which hardly ever happend before with radar. Also the acceleration back to max set speed and closing up to the next car takes way longer. Stop and go is definetly worse now. As reported too big of a gap and rather late but aggressive acceleration from stop - not really comfortable.
2 things I don't understand.
1st Auto pilot max speed has been reduced to 140km/h now with pure vision. BUT for cruse only one can still set max speed to 150km/h. Cruse speed/distance was controlled by the radar and it was 150km/h befor and now without the radar its still 150km/h but when Autopilot gets switched on aswell it will be reduce to 140km/h...
2nd pure vision has been out for a longer time for newer cars without the radar HW installed. Then why do we(the ones with "older" models which have the radar installed) are now seeing all these issues with the pure vision?


New member
Sep 2, 2022
Just had 2022.24.6 install and excited to test it out tomorrow. Question: my car seems to have ‘lost’ Navigate on Autopilot; is that just me, did they move it to somewhere else in menu, or what? I have a 2020 M3 Performance with FSD option. Thanks!
Check in the car menu that it hasn't turned itself OFF! That's what happened on mine-- turned it back on and did a recalibration of the cameras but NOA still isn't as good as it was before the "update". I'm awaiting the next update as others have also reported problems with 2022.24.6 - especially cars that previously had radar.


New member
Sep 13, 2022
The 'following distance' values are not car lengths as mentioned in the article.
Hi there!
Do you know what the distance number is based on?
My driving school teacher taught us "the three (3) seconds rule"; i.e.
You note when the car in front of you passes a fixed object beside the road and then you make sure you do not arrive to that object earlier than three (3) seconds later.
This way you will keep a distance that increases the faster you drive so you know you can stop in time should it be needed...
Take Care!


New member
Sep 19, 2022
Hi fellow brave tesla testers in this nice community. I updated last Friday and drove for approx 500 km’s with this new update (2022.28.1).

I use it in quiet and heavy traffic environments. My opinion.

1) gap to the car in front: It’s really a step back. Way too much space for the next car. Other cars see the gap and merge their cars. The system anticipates very badly by breaking hard…
2) ghost braking; I heard that tesla had a lot of reports but I couldn’t relate to it. Until now… in heavy traffic he is constantly braking for situations where no braking is needed. I can’t activate auto pilot anymore when my family is in the car because they are scared every time the car is doing it. With the radar I almost never had that issue.
3) max speed… I know it’s not allowed but I used the max speed of 150 often. Now going to 140 is not great.

What other people are saying in this thread. There were already cars driving full vision. Please fix this issues there before removing the radar from our cars… this is a big step back :(

Another thing. It would be nice if we could have an option to upload the last 30 sec to tesla when something occurs. Like ghost braking etc. Then they can train it faster to remove those false positives.
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