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  1. E

    Vibration in model3 2024 highland AWD

    No, though we are actually quite a few with new model3 with the same problem. Many Han gotten the tires and even rims, but nothing removes the vibration. and the issue is the same on to different tires and rims. And never had the issue with the same winter tires and rims that I have on now. I...
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    Vibration in model3 2024 highland AWD

    Hi Got my new model 3 a month back, had a 2021 refresh AWD earlier. when driving home from the pick-up point it vibrated heavily in the steringwheel at 115 to 140 km/h. It had summer tires on. I have changed to the Winter tires now that was on my 2021. It vibrates in the seat when driving...
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    Navigation does not reroute

    Hi I have a model3 2021 refreshed LR and have Premium in the last month or two my NAV does not reroute if e.g the highway is blocked by an accident. It worked great until maybe the time where tesla introduced alternative routes. anybody with that issue…?
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    Discuss: Tesla Starts Rolling Out FSD to Customers With HW3 Vehicles

    In Denmark we cant have FSD as a subscription only buy it to the cost of around 9000$
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    Tesla Vision Speed Limits not functional in some countries

    on the highway mine is now detecting temporary and electronic signs but not all of then….but it detected a few 80km/t on the highway where there is roadwork..
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    Discuss: Tesla Starts Rolling Out FSD to Customers With HW3 Vehicles

    Will we get that if we have not bought FSD but only have autopilot.. my Model3LR have HW3
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    Discuss: Tesla Improves Maps and Navigation With Update 2024.32

    will cars with HW3 that haven`t bought FSD get the Update wherea we dont have to turn the sterring wheel on autopilot? Any body know that
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    Tesla Vision Speed Limits not functional in some countries

    Hi It is the same in Denmark and it is quite annoying. My friende that drive Skoda, Audi and VW EV`s laughs a bit because they have had it from the start, so it has nothing to do with danish law.
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    Software update wishlist

    anyone knows why this should not be possible on a 2021 with Intel? it displays a person behind the car. Would not thing it is a cpu or camera issue.? K.I.T.T. nice to read all your ideas. Hope Tesla i watching
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    Discuss: Tesla's Holiday Update: Unpacking The Massive Amount of Undocumented Changes

    Any plans getting the new 3D park into models with ultra soundsensors?
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    Automatic Headlights / Speedsign in Denmark why not?

    Yes it reads the signs bit it dos not ajust the speed accordingly like in Germany.. and I dont Think it reads the speedsigns during rosdwork…
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    Automatic Headlights / Speedsign in Denmark why not?

    Hi again they are not that different, the inenes in german and Denmark
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    Automatic Headlights / Speedsign in Denmark why not?

    Mr. Musk I know that cars automatic have the front light on, but our rear light are often off when it rains. So think u’s in Danmark would like the feature too when we are at it. Why do Tesla not activate that the camera reads speed signs. I was in Berlin germany my Care registrated...
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    Give the model 3 and Y 2021 FSD software lover price

    Hi @Musk in 2021 I and Many others bought a new Tesla model 3 and Y before prices were lowered. To give u’s a bit og compensation you could give u’s a 50% Cut of on the FSD package, som that our loss feels a bit Less.
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    Preheating when driving to another Supercharger than Tesla SUC

    Hi When I use another supercharger than Tesla SUC I cant get my model3 to start preheating. I have added the chargers on my route to the prefered list so it could be Nice if I could ”tag” Them as Superchargers so that my Tesla could begin to preheat as it do when driving to a SUC
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    Wanted feature when I push the wiper button

    Okay we got that with the latest version
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    Wishlist future release Turn on taillight when it rains

    When it rains it is often that there is also bad visibility, so a nice feature would be to turn the taillights on when the Auto wiper funktion start due to rain
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    Discuss: Tesla's Model 3 Now Costs Less Than the Average New Car

    Think that Elon should compensate with some free software for u’s that bought the Model 3 or Y before the he changed the pricung.. we are kind of having a Huge loss
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    Wanted feature when I push the wiper button

    Would be Nice if when I push the wiper button on the left there was a function that if I clicked twice it would move between the differentiere speeds. 1 click just one wipe 2,3,4,5 slide between the different speeds including Auto