Efficient Driving Rewards for Tesla


New member
Dec 30, 2024
Hello everyone,
I have an idea that could motivate Tesla drivers to drive even more efficiently: Why not introduce a reward system similar to those found in fitness apps and smartwatches (e.g., Apple Watch)?

For example, drivers could earn medals or badges displayed on the screen when they:
  • complete a specific route with exceptional energy efficiency,
  • consistently drive a regular route more efficiently,
  • or achieve a particularly low average consumption over a month or year.
These medals could be visually appealing and displayed in the Tesla app or directly in the car, perhaps even with small animations or leaderboards. It wouldn’t just be fun but could also promote sustainable driving habits.

What do you think? Maybe this could be developed further within the community! 😊


Active member
Oct 17, 2023
Hello everyone,
I have an idea that could motivate Tesla drivers to drive even more efficiently: Why not introduce a reward system similar to those found in fitness apps and smartwatches (e.g., Apple Watch)?

For example, drivers could earn medals or badges displayed on the screen when they:
  • complete a specific route with exceptional energy efficiency,
  • consistently drive a regular route more efficiently,
  • or achieve a particularly low average consumption over a month or year.
These medals could be visually appealing and displayed in the Tesla app or directly in the car, perhaps even with small animations or leaderboards. It wouldn’t just be fun but could also promote sustainable driving habits.

What do you think? Maybe this could be developed further within the community! 😊
This would definitely help me drive more efficiently. I often find myself thinking that I need to drive more efficiently and stay in chill, but then I get to a red light and all my efforts go out the window. It’s hilarious how quickly I fold! 😂


Well-known member
Oct 28, 2022
Why not? I’m sure driving efficiently will also help with your driver’s score that they use for insurance.
I would also appreciate an ‘efficient’ option for routing and driver profiles while were at it.


New member
Feb 28, 2024
Ein ähnliches Belohnungs-System hat die Allianz-Kfz-Versicherung eingeführt ( BonusDrive für umsichtiges Fahren )
- Ich habe einen kleinen Tracker von der Versicherung bekommen, der in Nähe Armaturenbrett mit Klebepad befestigt wird und mein Fahrverhalten aufzeichnet mit Sensor für Bremsverhalten, Beschleunigung, Kurvenverhalten, Geschwindigkeit und so jede Fahrt mit Punkten von 0 - 100 bewertet - diese Punkte werden jeden Monat an die Versicherung online übermittelt und - ich erhalte 10 % Gutschrift meiner bezahlten Kosten der Kfz-Versicherung - habe für letztes Jahr für bezahlte 870,- heute auf meinem Konto die Rückvergütung von 87,- € erhalten 😍