Tesla software update 2021.40 to add 'Live Camera Streaming'

By Nuno Cristovao

Tesla is on a roll with it's app lately. We've seen numerous releases since the app was updated to version 4.0 back in August. Just yesterday Tesla released version 4.2.0 with quick action buttons in one of its widgets and much better interior details of the vehicle.

Tesla to let you stream cameras from your car directly to the app

With this same release, it looks like Tesla is starting to prepare to release a much anticipated feature in the near future, the ability to stream live video from your car.

Live Stream Video From Car

With the release of software update 2021.40, Tesla will allow you to stream live camera feeds from your car directly to your phone. You'll be able to view any of the cameras that are included in Dashcam or Sentry Mode, which include the front and rear cameras and the two side fender cameras.

"manage_permissions_bml_switch_firmware": "Available with Firmware 2021.40 and up", "vehicle_controls_cameras": "Live Camera",

Save Video

View live camera
View live camera link

When viewing the live feed from your car, you'll also be given the chance to save the video directly to the car. It's possible that Tesla will allow you to save it to your phone, but judging by the fact that Tesla is requiring your car to have a USB drive in order to stream video and that there is a new API endpoint to save dashcam footage, it's likely that the recorded video will be saved to your car instead of your phone.

View Sentry Clips and Dashcam Footage

In addition to being able to view live video from your car, and notably more useful. You'll now be able to remotely view Sentry Mode clips instead of having to wait until you get back to your car.

You'll likely be presented from a similar interface that appears in your car to view Sentry Mode and Dashcam clips and you'll be able to view and delete them.


There will be a few requirements before you're allowed to stream video to your phone. Your car will obviously need to have the ability to use the Dashcam and Sentry Mode features, which require a vehicle with FSD HW 2.5 or higher. It will also require your vehicle to have software update 2021.40 or higher.

In addition, before being able to initialize the video stream, Tesla will require that your car be in park, have all doors closed and for no one to be in the car. Tesla is making these requirements presumably for privacy concerns around spying on individuals in a private environment.

Premium Connectivity Required

It's strongly suspected that your vehicle will need to be subscribed to Tesla's Premium Connectivity or be connected to WiFi in order to stream live video or remotely view Dashcam or Sentry Mode videos.

Tesla will very likely not introduce a higher priced connectivity option. Tesla already allows you to stream video services for unlimited periods. The bandwidth required to stream your car's cameras will be fairly small when compared to streaming video.

Limitations / Daily Limit

Tesla will impose a daily viewing limit on how long you can remotely monitor your vehicle with video. This is likely to prevent users from live streaming video for long periods of time. For example, if they went out to dinner, started a live stream and set their phone down.

I suspect the daily limit will be more than reasonable and you'll be unlikely to reach the limit unless you're trying to use your car as a security camera.

Talk to Car From Your Phone

When monitoring your car remotely, you'll be able to talk directly to your phone and have your voice come out of the car. This will require your vehicle to be equipped with the Pedestrian Warning System (PWS). Basically, if you have the Boombox feature, then you have the PWS.

In addition to being able to talk to the car from your phone, you'll also be able to honk the horn and flash your car's lights to alert anyone around your vehicle.

This snippet was found in the latest Tesla app:

"Tesla allows you to use your microphone to speak through your car or attach videos when scheduling service for your vehicle",

If you don't, then for some models Tesla can retrofit the PWS for a couple hundred dollars, although it's not available on all model years. Your car will need to already be wired to support the outdoor speaker.

I can see this feature being fun, but also useful. If there's someone seriously looking at your vehicle with ill intent, then what better way to deter them then to talk to them. They'll likely think that you're walking up to the car and walk away.

Of course, I'm sure there will be lots of humorous ways owners will use this feature as well.

Unfortunately, because Teslas do not (yet) have external microphones, this will be one-way audio. So you'll be able to talk to the individuals, but unfortunately unable to hear their surprised or funny reactions.

In-Car Purchases

As we talked about back in August, Tesla is adding in-car purchases. Features that you can buy directly on your phone today will become available in the vehicle as well. Features such as adding the FSD subscription, Performance Boost and others will now be only a couple taps away.

According to information in the latest iOS app, this feature will also be added in the 2021.40 software update.

As the owner of the vehilce, you'll see be able to limit in-car purchases as well, much like you can limit in-app purchases on other platforms.

Software updates have contained slightly less than usual lately as Tesla focuses on FSD and catching up on the new Model S software, but 2021.40 is surely to be an exciting release, even if this was the only feature in it.

Stay tuned for more.

Tesla Launches Tactical Gray Cybertruck Interior [Video]; Delays Non-Foundation Series Cybertruck

By Karan Singh
Not a Tesla App

Tesla has recently changed the language in its Foundation-series Cybertruck configuration and order invites and is reaching out to customers who have ordered the Tactical Gray Interior or Core Wheels.

Non-Foundation Delays

Tesla has added the following language to its order invites: “Due to continued high demand, we expect to deliver only the Foundation Series through late 2024.

We previously reported that the foundation-series was ending soon, based on the Q&A answers from Elon Musk at the Tesla’s Shareholder Meeting. However, this no longer appears to be the case, and it seems the Foundation series is continuing for at least another quarter, into late 2024.

Tactical Gray Interior Sees Limited Release

Tactical Gray, the updated darker interior for the Cybertruck, as well as the Core wheels, have been delayed. Limited vehicles with Tactical Gray started going out to customers this weekend, but the Core wheels haven’t been shipped just yet.

The default wheels, as well as the Core wheels, are both 20”, but the Core wheels offer lower rolling resistance and slightly more range. The Core wheels also have a smaller aero cover, but we haven’t seen these on a customer truck just yet.

Tesla has begun to reach out to customers offering them a free upgrade to the default wheels and offering them a vehicle sooner if they switch to the white interior instead of the Tactical Gray interior. Customers have also been informed that there may be a delay in receiving their vehicles if they stay with Tactical Gray or with the Core wheels.

Tesla Finally Launches FSD V12.4.2 to Customers with Vision-Monitoring Changes

By Karan Singh
Not a Tesla App

After a month-long delay, Tesla sent FSD v12.4.2 to employees yesterday with update 2024.15.10. After just a few hours of the update going out to employees, Tesla started sending it to OG testers as well, who were already on FSD v12.4.1.

Issues Behind Delay

On X, Elon Musk broke down some of the details behind the delays. He mentioned that part of the issues behind the V12.4.2 delays were based on training. Tesla was seeing fewer interventions with FSD v12.4, but the release suffered from driving smoothness, which ironically was supposed to be one of the key features of this release.

Musk explained that part of the issue was due to too much focus on interventions, and not enough on normal driving. He compared it to training a doctor on emergency room patients, versus training on regular preventative care.

Vision-Based Attention Monitoring Changes

With FSD update 12.4.2, Tesla changed some of the language used for its Vision-Based Attention Monitoring in the release notes. Here’s a breakdown of some of the key points in the language. The changes to the release notes are below. Phrases or words that were removed are crossed out, while those added are in bold.

“When Full Self-Driving (Supervised) is enabled, the driver monitoring system now primarily relies on the cabin camera to determine driver attentiveness. This enhancement is available on vehicles equipped with a cabin camera and only when the cabin camera has clear and continuous visibility of the driver's eyes Cabin camera must have clear visibility (e.g., the camera is not occluded, eyes, arms are visible, there is sufficient cabin illumination, and the driver is looking forward at the road ahead and not wearing sunglasses, a hat with a low brim without sunglasses, or other objects covering the their eyes). Outside of these In other circumstances, the driver monitoring system will continue to primarily rely on a combination of torque-based (steering wheel) and vision-based monitoring to detect driver attentiveness. When the cabin camera is actively monitoring driver attentiveness, a green dot appears next to the steering wheel icon on the touchscreen.

If the cabin camera detects inattentiveness the driver to be inattentive, a warning will appear. The warning can be dismissed by the driver immediately reverting their attention back to the road ahead. Warnings will escalate depending on the nature and frequency of detected inattentiveness, with continuous inattention leading to a Strikeout.

Cabin camera images do not leave the vehicle itself, which means the system cannot save or transmit information unless you enable data sharing.

Arms Need to be Visible and Other Changes

There are various interesting changes here. While some of the changes are just improved wording to make the feature clearer, there are others that are worth highlighting which could point at changes to Tesla’s vision-based monitoring.

The first is the addition of “arms are visible.” Apparently, Tesla now wants to be able to see your arms to better detect attentiveness. Tesla may want to see that your arms are on the steering wheel, or they maybe they want to make sure your arms are moving so that someone isn’t able to post a static photo in front of the cabin camera to circumvent the attention monitoring. The reason isn’t clear, but looks like having your arms visible is now a requirement.

There are other small changes like the removal of a “hat with a low brim,” which was replaced by more generic wording that says the driver’s eyes must be visible.

However, near the end, Tesla removed the portion that said the driver monitoring system will rely on a combination of torque-based (steering wheel) and vision-based monitoring. This was changed to simply say that Tesla will rely primarily on torque-based (steering wheel) monitoring when vision-based monitoring is unavailable. It’s not clear whether this is just semantics and the wording now better describes how the vision-monitoring feature works, or if Tesla made changes so that the vehicle is simply either doing vision monitoring or steering wheel torque detection, and it doesn’t try to combine the two sources to detect whether the driver is paying attention.

Even more interestingly, the last line that says “cabin camera images do not leave the vehicle itself, which means the system cannot save or transmit information unless you enable data sharing,” has been removed. This could point to Tesla saving images of the cabin camera to improve its AI training model.

Tesla will display a green dot on the screen whenever its using its vision-based monitoring system.

Release Date

Either way, we’re glad to finally see FSD v12.4.2 going out to employees and early-access owners. The release is expected to have far fewer interventions and improve vehicle smoothness during braking and acceleration. If there are no major issues found, this update could go wide to all customers with FSD and on update 2024.14 or lower in the coming weeks.

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