Tesla Safety Score Calculator

This Tesla Safety Score calculator will let you know how many miles you'll need to drive with a score of 100 to reach your target score.

In order to get your exact safety score, add your daily scores and miles or kilometers driven. The calculator works with kilometers or miles. If your input is in kilometers, your output will also be in kilometers. If your input is in miles, the distance needed to reach your target will also be in miles. You can skip any days you didn't drive.

You can adjust your target score as well.

Current Score
Score Target
Mi/Km Needed
Score Distance

Your data is saved on your device and will be automatically loaded next time.

The miles/kilometers needed are based on the distance you'd need to travel with a 100 score in order to round up to your score target. For example, Tesla will round 89.7 to a 90 Safety Score.

If you use a score target with a decimal, such as 98.5, then your miles needed will be calculated to reach your target score exactly, without rounding.

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