Tesla Adds New Long-Awaited Voice Commands

By Karan Singh
Automobile Propre

While we’ve seen several changes to Tesla’s voice commands, including a new voice and the potential for a Smart Voice Assistant to come soon, we haven’t seen much in the way of new voice commands.

For the first time in a long time, Tesla has added new voice commands as part of the 2024 Holiday Update. These new commands control vehicle features that weren’t accessible before. With all of the changes we’re seeing, including faster responses and better voice recognition, we’d be surprised if Tesla doesn’t show off a completely new system in the first half of 2025.

For now, let’s take a look at the new voice commands. Shout out to @LifeMiddie and our readers for catching these.

HOV Lanes

Command: Turn [On/Off] HOV

High Occupancy Vehicle lanes are generally faster than other lanes. However, the requirements for their use differ from state to state, with many states requiring a minimum number of occupants. The setting is buried under Controls > Navigation > Use HOV Lanes, which makes it annoying to get to for something you may want to turn on and off often. Thankfully, we can now use a voice command.

Toll Routes

Command: Turn [On/Off] Avoid Tolls

Similar to HOV lanes, this command will toggle the “Avoid Tolls” navigation feature on or off as requested.

We’re actually hoping this feature gets renamed - a double negative “Turn Off Avoid Tolls” to be able to use toll routes in navigation is a bit confusing. Perhaps “Avoid Tolls/Don’t Avoid Tolls” would be a better voice command.


Command: Turn [On/Off] Headlights

This is a simple command that people have been asking for ages. We’re glad to see it finally arrive, and it's pretty helpful, especially when you’re parked or want to turn on your headlights in the rain.

Keep in mind that using Turn on headlights will actually switch your headlights to On instead of Auto, so you may need to move them back to Auto later.

Fog Lights

Command: Turn [On/Off] Fog Lights

This command requires your vehicle to be equipped with fog lights. This command does nothing for newer vehicles that include integrated fog lights, like the Cybertruck and Model 3 Highland.

For vehicles equipped with fog lights, it will turn on or off your fog lights as requested. It's a nice addition, as fog lights aren’t always necessary. This will also turn off your rear fog lights for the Model S and Model X.

A couple of other existing voice commands that are often useful are ‘navigate to X’ or ‘navigate home.’ You can also use voice commands to turn on voice guidance on or off by saying, turn off voice guidance. We have a list of the Top 10 Most Useful Voice Commands that may also be useful.

If you find any additional new voice commands, let us know here on our forums or on social media. You can also check out our list of all known Tesla voice commands.

Tesla's FSD In Europe Faces More Regulatory Delays

By Karan Singh
Not a Tesla App

Following the latest meeting of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), which decides safety regulations for vehicles, it seems that Tesla will be facing further delays and regulatory hurdles in Europe. The Telegraph in the UK reported on this story yesterday following the conclusion of UNECE discussions.

Tesla has been waiting for regulatory approval in Europe, which would pave the way for wider FSD deployment across the EU and other countries that adhere to UNECE regulations.

Regulatory Shut Down

The latest round of delays stems from efforts by the UK, Norway, Sweden, and the Netherlands to push for additional testing and trials of autonomous systems. Progress toward approving vehicle autonomy in Europe has faced repeated setbacks, and this latest hurdle casts further doubt on the prospects for European customers awaiting FSD.

Regulatory changes that initially seemed on track to ease restrictions were stalled in September 2024 when the UK’s Department for Transport raised concerns, stating:

“While [a driver assistance system] may help reduce collisions, it may also introduce new safety risks.”

This perspective sounds like it comes from someone who has never actually used an advanced driver assist system—whether from Tesla or its competitors.

The UNECE, which oversees vehicle regulations in Europe, is set to meet again in June and November. However, based on the agenda from the most recent session, autonomy does not appear to be on the docket for the June meeting.

What This Means for FSD in Europe

Simply put, FSD isn’t coming to Europe anytime soon. While Tesla has some potential workarounds, none are ideal.

One option would be for Tesla to pursue regulatory exemptions on a nation-by-nation basis—requesting approval for each and every FSD feature separately. That means filing exemptions for lane changes, left and right turns, highway exits, and countless other functions. The bureaucratic process would be exhausting, requiring approval from each country individually.

Alternatively, Tesla could release a heavily restricted version of FSD that complies with current UNECE regulations. However, this would likely make the system impractical, as drivers would have to manually confirm every single action—down to something as simple as adjusting speed—using a physical button press.

For now, Europe’s regulatory framework remains a major roadblock to autonomy. Unless there’s a significant shift in policy, it’s unlikely that FSD will launch in Europe in 2025 as planned.

Tesla to Expand Cabin Radar Support to More Models

By Karan Singh
Not a Tesla App

Tesla recently started rolling out an update that enabled the cabin radar in recent Model Ys and added support for first-row cabin sensing. This functionality not only lets Tesla replace the seat occupancy sensors in the front seats but also gives them a better idea of the size of the passengers — critical information when an accident occurs.

However, Tesla has now revealed that it won’t just be recent versions of Model Y that will receive these updates. Other recent vehicles also have a dormant in-cabin radar that will be activated in a future update.

Child Presence Detection

This front-row occupant sensing is only half of the update. Tesla also plans to add support to the rear seats that will let it detect occupants left in the vehicle. In a post on X, Tesla stated that at least 37 children die per year from heatstroke, just in the United States, according to the NHTSA. Tesla’s cabin radar will help reduce the number of deaths by detecting children left in the vehicle and alerting the owner or turning on the HVAC system.

The new radar has several safety-focused features, and they’re all designed to help protect someone left behind in a vehicle. First up - the radar will detect and classify passenger sizes to determine which airbags to deploy dynamically, helping to reduce injuries from shorter individuals sitting up front.

Additionally, the radar can differentiate an adult from a child or baby - and automatically and dynamically make the necessary safety adjustments on the fly. Tesla will also be able to detect heart rate and breathing through the radar - and has a series of safety steps it can take from here.

If a child or baby is detected being left behind in the vehicle, the Tesla app will immediately notify you and turn on the HVAC system to ensure their safety. In the case of an emergency, the vehicle will automatically call emergency services and report its location.

As a reminder, while Tesla vehicles outside of the United States support eCall, vehicles within the US cannot call 911 unless a phone is connected to the vehicle via Bluetooth. We hope that Tesla looks to add similar capabilities in North America to improve safety capabilities.

Supported Models

Although the cabin radar has only been activated in Model Ys produced in the last couple of years, Tesla said in their post on X that the radar is also available in recent Model 3s and the Cybertruck.

We did a little digging and confirmed that the part numbers for the cabin radar are the same for the 2024+ Model Y, 2024+ (new) Model 3, and the Cybertruck. So, these vehicles should also receive the latest cabin radar features.

Although the 2023 Model Y features a different part number, 2022 and 2023 Model Ys have also been receiving the front-row cabin sensing feature in Tesla’s 2025.2.6 update, but it is less clear whether they’ll receive the rear seats update later this year. The Model S and Model X also include a cabin radar, but the part number also differs from the cabin radar for the 2024 Model 3 and Model Y.

While the new Model Y isn’t available to check against on Tesla’s Electronic Parts Catalog, it looks like Tesla has been shipping the new 4D cabin radar in at least the 2024+ versions of their Model 3, Model Y and Cybertruck.

We expect rear-seat sensing to arrive on vehicles with the latest cabin radar later this year, while it’s unclear whether the other vehicles with the older cabin radar will receive it.

Tesla mentioned that rear-seat support will arrive in Q3 2025 for the refreshed Model Y. Based on the different interior sizes and spaces, sensor calibration and testing for other models may come slightly later.

Hopefully, the upcoming refresh for the Model S and Model X will also be able to receive this update later this year.

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