Oh, V12.3.6 is amazing. I have it on my car, so there's no need to subscribe. The offset needs work, though. It is currently unusable most of the time in my area; I have it turned off.Drove 12.3.6 for about 700 mi so was able to anticipate wrinkles in that and occasionally override. I expect that 12.4 will be much better (5-10x fewer overrides) so closer to "final" product and worthwhile subscribing.
Agreed. One or two people that have no evidence to back up their claims doesn't hold much weight with me. BUT WHERE IS MY 12.4.... Also I demo drove an X this weekend. it was on 2024,3,25 (like my M3). Thats a good sign.Speaking of 12.4- what's up with it? Electrek has a report that's its crazy bad but that's by one person. The silence on that build is strange. Perhaps Tesla wants to get 12.4 into the latest 2024.20 build or whatever. I'm over 12.3.6 personally, bring something new on please
And @PrescottAZRichard has some oceanfront property for sale.It's coming, my Highland is currently downloading at snail speed in the garage. Perhaps they should increase or allow to increase the WiFi power, because the car has worse connection than then power meter she's connected to.