Does anyone know why Tesla is not trying to keep their past Tesla purchasers happy by giving them for example the package that included self parki


New member
Jun 15, 2024
Does anyone know why Tesla has not given previous Tesla owners a sweetener of upgrades like the self parking and lane changing or even FSD.? Buyers paid the original high prices only to see there initial purchase reduce in value due to the price cutting? Newer models come with better software and much cheaper making older model owners feeling short changed which might affect their next car choice
Oct 17, 2023
Not sure why they should give people free upgrades? The new cars get the new stuff because… it’s new lol. The technology wasn’t available at the time and as for the prices changing as tech gets developed things get cheaper, so I do apologize for that, I myself was an early adopter of an EV and all the new cars got the cool stuff for cheaper when we paid a lot when we first bought our car but honestly that’s just the way a business works. Tesla has many shortcomings this would not be one of them. If they have older cars a free upgrade every time they came out with something new they would not make a lot of money because then you wouldn’t be entic to buy a new car. But you will find the in every car company, not just Tesla.
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Active member
Sep 17, 2022
Does anyone know why Tesla has not given previous Tesla owners a sweetener of upgrades like the self parking and lane changing or even FSD.? Buyers paid the original high prices only to see there initial purchase reduce in value due to the price cutting? Newer models come with better software and much cheaper making older model owners feeling short changed which might affect their next car choice
I'm having this same thought right now; my 2020 MX doesn't have all the features that my 2020 MY had. However, I think @ALIEN SUPERSTAR is correct and that new cars come with new stuff. It's just that Tesla has been spoiling us by giving us new (software) toys for so long that we forget that other car companies lock you into your car when you purchase it. Our other cars NEVER got any upgrades at all, yet we didn't blame Ford or Toyota for this. We just accepted it and purchased a new car if/when we had to have the new stuff.

It is a bit different in that Tesla has the ability to update some things (ie. traffic light display on navigation, custom Light Show, etc.) on my MX but they don't/won't, which is very frustrating.