Discuss: FSD v13.2.1 (Update 2024.39.15) Release Notes

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Aug 18, 2022
Tesla software update 2024.39.15 includes FSD (Supervised) v13.2.1, Camera Visibility Detection, Update to Data Sharing, Full Self-Driving (Supervised), Sentry Mode Improvements , Track Mode: Powertrain Endurance, Spotify Free, Custom Mirror Tilted Positions, LiveOne Powered by Slacker Radio, Other Updates, Service History, Tesla App Commands, Curve Assist, Autopilot Hardware Version, WiFi Diagnostics Tool, Improved Voice Recognition. View Release Notes


Well-known member
Oct 28, 2022
My car will not be getting a lot of sleep tonight. I’ll be checking like a kid on Christmas Eve night.
No holiday stuff with this one though? Its a .39 build .


Apr 4, 2024
I got 13.2.1 tonight. 2023 MYP. I took it on a couple of test loops, and boy, it is smooth! Accelerates like the car just starts rolling downhill. Incredibly delicate throttle control. Braking much smoother too. Other cars will beat you off the line now, FSD don't care. It also somehow manages to be faster AND smoother in turns, too.

Speed is certainly faster. No more granny mode, that I've seen in the first 30 miles.

It picks lanes sooner than before, and it picks different lanes than before.

It still has nav issues. On two test drives, I only disengaged once, because FSD drove past my restaurant and turned into the one next door. It also had a weird time exiting - turned left instead of right, then did a u-turn. Why not just turn right onto the road in front of the restaurant?

It will now pick an empty lane at a stop light, if there is one. (At least it did this once!)

It handles my community gate MUCH better. Like it was gate-trained, this rev.

It's still a bit turn signal happy. I have a curve in the road on my test loop. It put on the right turn signal, but it just stayed in its lane as the road curved. That's actually a problem, though minor.

Based on how it accelerates and brakes, I'm thinking this might be the FSD version that drives your car better than you, at least in terms of conserving energy. It's so delicate when it speeds up! It's like the car starts rolling down a hill - you can barely feel a press in your back on take off.


Well-known member
Oct 28, 2022
That's great news on the accel/decel stuff. I always thought the car should drive more efficiently than I do and it sounds like it may just do that.
We drove down from Prescott to Desert Ridge for Kevin Nealon at the Improv on Saturday and once the car was in 'standard' driving it was just great so I'm looking forward to having 'standard' as an option all the time! Not just on fast roads.


Apr 4, 2024
Today I went from north Phoenix to Flagstaff (Marriott superchargers), then picked up my daughter and visited Bearizona. Totally forgot to check the new SC site in Williams.

FSD 13.2.1 - boy, this is the best thing since sliced bread! I love this version. Basically went from an intervention (pedal push, turn signal) every 10 miles or so to almost never. I did one turn signal on the way to Flagstaff, to keep the car out of an upcoming scrum. I left profile on Hurry, which tended to spend more time in the left lane. The left lane is a lot smoother. It still gets over for cars coming up behind it. It backs out of my garage now. It handles my gate as if it's been trained on gates, finally. It took me to a Supercharger and backed into a stall for me. (Badly. I had to repark, but there were no cars to guide it into a spot.)

This version of FSD will definitely pass cars on the right! If you get stuck behind a left lane bandit, it follows for a while - 15-30 seconds? Then it puts on a signal and smoothly passes on the right. Everything it does is smooth. You cannot drive a car as smoothly as this.

I've never had a more relaxing drive down I-17 into Phoenix. By the time we came back, I trusted FSD to drive without intervention. I just sat back and relaxed and listened to music. And the MY stereo is great!

Only interventions now seem to be related to mapping issues. Tesla is going to need to be able to automatically update the maps, Google maps or not. Corrections need to be uploaded somehow.

Planning is way better, but could be improved. But it's fine on the freeways. It tends to pass when it should and not pass when it shouldn't. Lane choices are very reasonable. Speeds are decent, but generally not the fastest on the freeway. FSD tops out at 85 mph, and plenty of cars passed me today. FSD mostly got over for them. But it's relentless, and sometimes ends up in front of drivers that passed us earlier and couldn't maintain their speed. In Hurry profile, it tended to go between 78 and 85, almost always slowing from 85 for curves, usually just to 82 or 83. After the curve it got back to 85, smoothly. It felt smoother to drive this way, though it sometimes interfered with groupings of cars going at a set speed by slowing down and speeding up.

12.5 also started out very smooth, but it seemed to get more and more jumpy with newer revs. It felt like Tesla wasn't getting the safety scores they wanted and so cranked up some safety parameters with each rev. 13 feels like it has solved things to the point that you move on to the next problem. You learn to trust it quickly.

I've seen people posting that they needed to disengage very early in their drives for some safety reason. That sounds like an edge case. Report those and enjoy the rest. This build can really drive!
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