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  1. H

    When does Autopark and Summon show up in Germany

    Hi K.I.T.T, i suggest you try the new BMW 5 series or X series, plus the new BYD which is a nice car by the way as well. Xiaomi is no dealer around me in Munich. Welcome on "Planet Earth" ;)
  2. H

    When does Autopark and Summon show up in Germany

    Hi K.I.T.T., i agree this is maybe the case but cost discussion is not relevant to customers which bought a car with features. From what we were told in 2022 Summon was close to switch to visual system. Now it shows up as brand new development after cost reduction for the feature and no real...
  3. H

    When does Autopark and Summon show up in Germany

    News from Smart Summon world? We still wait to get the update in Germany with a working Summon and Smart Summon..., I guess Tesla will lose markets to others soon, recently I drove a BYD car and a BMW and both could do Summon. No legal discussions about no delivery of this feature and no word of...
  4. H

    Modell Y bi directional battery usage

    Maybe this shows some info: BR Henrik
  5. H

    Modell Y bi directional battery usage

    I guess this is a complex point, you are lucky with such low price on AC. In germany we are living much higher on these issue. Price here is 38 ct/kwh but you have to pay fees for updating all the ac infrastructure so the average is over 60 ct/kwh. I agree with you on the risk for the battery...
  6. H

    Modell Y bi directional battery usage

    E3DC already use a new typ wallbox for those cases, as well some other manufacturers of wallboxes. A US technician showed the possibility 2021 already on YouTube. I´l try to find his description.
  7. H

    Modell Y bi directional battery usage

    Hi Joe, as far as I know Tesla modell Y and 3 already have the correct teaching inside. Its only blocked by software!
  8. H

    Modell Y bi directional battery usage

    It was told since Model Y 2021 Tesla is technically able to allow a bi directionally usage of the internal battery system? Since last November these technology is allowed in good old Germany, when will Tesla spent a software update to allow this to his users? Best Regards Henrik Rubinstein
  9. H

    When does Autopark and Summon show up in Germany

    i am a little confused, Summon with all derivates was working with sensors correct. Now after Tesla changed it to optical view it was told it is not allowed due to country based legislation. I was told recently BMW can do in the new i5 series a similar technology... Why is it allowed for BMW and...
  10. H

    When does Autopark and Summon show up in Germany

    I saw today new Tesla discount structure in Germany, I guess if Tesla wants to get rid of their stock, they should spent the old buyers the features what they bought 2 years ago-Summon, Autopark these are very popular functions especially in Germany with small garage structures! Maybe buyers...
  11. H

    When does Autopark and Summon show up in Germany

    Since more then one year this features are missing, is any idea around when it shows up in Germany? Guess it would speed up car sales extremely. Does anyone have details about this missing features? Best Regards Henrik
  12. H

    Any Idea Summon comes back?

    I asked our German Tesla support and he said we need to wait, no compensation for all buyers are known at the moment. All buyers of the enhanced package should get one, because we wait on full functionality since more then a year. Elon mentioned in July 2023 this function will be rolled out asap!
  13. H

    Any Idea Summon comes back?

    Is any idea around, on which date summon function will come back to new model y (2023)?
  14. H

    Discuss: Tesla Holiday Update Wish List Part 2: Evolving Autonomy

    Ich würde sagen wenn Tesla die Funktionen von "Enhanced Autopilot" endlich bei den Fahrzeugen ohne USS nutzbar macht wird ein riesiger Schritt für Tesla im Umsatz und eine große Freud bei den Besitzern der Fahrzeuge ohne USS losgetreten. Das Herbeiholen wäre ein echtes Zeichen um enge Parkplätze...