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  1. Delgado

    Discuss: Tesla Adjusts Prices Upward in Several Markets Amid Dynamic Pricing Strategy

    Tesla, the renowned electric car manufacturer, recently made upward adjustments to its prices in several markets as part of its dynamic pricing strategy. To stay on top of such price fluctuations and achieve multiple targets simultaneously, businesses can leverage the power of Minimum Advertised...
  2. Delgado

    Dye Transfer on White Seats

    Never heard of ceramic coating but if it is the wayout then I will also order white seats. The fact that they can get dirty deterred me from buying them but if it is not a problem anymore then it is great.
  3. Delgado

    Discuss: Tesla Sentry Mode: What It Is, How to Use It and Battery Drain

    Frankly speaking, Sentry Mode is one of the features why I decided to buy a Tesla eventually via SCA auction last month. No other vendor offers anything like that (correct me if I am mistaken). A really useful feature in my neighbourhood.
  4. Delgado

    phantom braking

    Phantom braking on Tesla cars has been a concern for some owners. While this issue has received attention, it's important to explore alternative options. If you're in the market for a reliable and repairable vehicle, consider a Dodge Challenger. These stylish cars boast powerful performance and...