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  1. P

    Discuss: What will your next EV be?

    We all need to remember that Tesla auto's first priority is driverless vehicles, no steering wheel. Tesla builds EVs of different size and shapes for the public to get to that point. Once that mark is reached the vehicle's size, shape, performance won't matter. There is no human involvement. The...
  2. P

    Legacy HW3 to HW4 Upgrade (AI3 to AI4)

    Many of us in the Aerospace industry quite familiar with sensor systems don't believe the HW3 cameras can do the job after seeing the first Teslas. Look at the screen, the car can't see more than a few hundred feet ahead and HW4 cameras are not much better. You can't process what you don't have...
  3. P

    Discuss: Tesla Takes a Hit, Rivian Acquires ABRP, Amping Up Competition

    How this would make one choose to buy a Rivian over a Tesla is beyond comprehension..
  4. P

    phantom braking

    Mine happens in one particular section of highway only, and in one direction only…weird stuff
  5. P

    fsd updates 11.3.6 last night as well..
  6. P

    phantom braking

    I'm on and phantom braking is all over the place, especially in some areas; yesterday had to disengage 3 times. I don't think they know what causes it completely yet.
  7. P

    fsd updates

    How and who decides who gets updates and when..I always seem to be 10 updates behind
  8. P

    Discuss: Tesla Faces Lawsuit Over Autopilot and FSD Safety Claims

    Lots of luck with that..
  9. P

    Discuss: Tesla Talks FSD Hardware 4.0, but There Will Not Be Retrofits

    Question is will both HW3 and HW4 both reach level 4 at the same time? What happens to HW3 people if HW4 gets there first? I smell trouble.
  10. P

    Discuss: Tesla FSD Beta v11 headed for wide release

    At least I found 69.25.1 to be a much smoother lane keeping, no jerking around curves. Progress
  11. P

    Camera upgrades

    I think they will have to otherwise purchasing FSD no matter when some will have fed some less than fsd.
  12. P

    Discuss: Tesla FSD Beta v11 headed for wide release

    If you don't have fsd why do you care..If you have fsd there was never a firm promised date contract...suing Musk because you didn't get something you wanted at some date in your head is a loser proposition..
  13. P

    Discuss: Tesla FSD Beta v11 headed for wide release

    One big issue I still struggle with is phantom braking ( It happens at approximately the same location. I go from 65 mph legal limit to 30 mph in just 3 seconds. If anyone was behind me it would be an accident for sure. Apparently this happened in San Francisco recently. This last...
  14. P

    Discuss: Musk Doubles Down on New Model as Competition Picks Up

    You can make an EV for $25K but can you make one for that and make a profit is the issue. Tesla makes 25-30% profit on all its cars. Everyone else today loses $$ on each car sold.
  15. P

    Discuss: First look at FSD Beta 10.69.3 as it starts going out to public testers

    Still phantom braking, worse than before at times. The software also tries to hug the right lane when coming up to an on ramp and jogs back and forth until it realizes I want to just continue on straight ahead. Had to disengage.
  16. P

    Tesla FSD hardware 4.0 cameras are now being shipped according to supplier

    Revolution brewing if FSD works better with 4, especially with those that paid 15K
  17. P

    Camera upgrades

    So what happens to the current users of FSD. Will it not work as well as with the new cameras and processor or will there be an upgrade available?