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  1. L

    Is anyone running the FSD beta on MCU1?

    So, it would seem that all MCU1 owners are over a year behind the current software that MCU2 owners have. MCU1 latest update is week 8 of 2022. This is a bit ridiculous and almost seems as if Tesla is trying to force MCU1 owners to pay the $2,500 for MCU2 when they shouldn't have to.
  2. L

    Is anyone running the FSD beta on MCU1?

    It does not seem to have added anything and there is nothing newer than February 2022 available as yet for MCU1. Does anyone with MCU1 have a more recent software version?
  3. L

    Is anyone running the FSD beta on MCU1?

    I just now received and am dl'ing update 2022.8.10.12... really? This is from February 2022 right?! It will be interesting to see what if anything this adds
  4. L

    Is anyone running the FSD beta on MCU1?

    2022.8.10.11 and I've been on that one for over 3 months now. I get the feeling that Tesla is ignoring MCU1 owners to force them to pay for MCU2
  5. L

    Is anyone running the FSD beta on MCU1?

    So, you now have no way to opt in? Wow... it is looking like Tesla has no care for us MCU1 customers
  6. L

    Missing (phantom) KWh in MS P100D

    I just finished a 187 mile road trip and averaged 247 wh/mi. Now, you may think that's fantastic for a 2016 MS P100D but... the trip was from a significantly higher elevation to a lower elevation. But here's my question; between the KWh used for the trip (46.3) and the remaining KWh left in the...
  7. L

    Is anyone running the FSD beta on MCU1?

    Tesla service is telling me I need to pay for MCU2 in order to run the FSD, but the car was sold the FSD package in 2016 with the understanding that the thousands of dollars paid was going to make FSD available on that car with MCU1. Is anyone else having this issue?
  8. L

    Discuss: Tesla Ordered to Upgrade Owner's FSD Computer for Free

    I checked all the info on the car, including the codes from the Tesla website and it does have FSD paid for in full. I bought it from an exotic car dealer and paid a premium for the options it has like FSD and lifetime premium connectivity. Here is the note they sent in the app:
  9. L

    Discuss: Tesla Ordered to Upgrade Owner's FSD Computer for Free

    So then, in my case, where the expensive FSD package was bought and paid for when the car was new, I shouldn't have to pay for any upgraded harware that the service techs are telling me I need for FSD to work at all.
  10. L

    Discuss: Tesla Ordered to Upgrade Owner's FSD Computer for Free

    So, in my 12/16 S P100D the original owner paid for FSD outright so it came with the car when I bought it BUT when I requested the BETA, it did not work. Furthermore, my latest software update is 2022/8/11/13. Here's my question; shouldn't this car be able to use the FSD BETA since FSD was sold...