Enhanced autopilot/navigate on autopilot


Active member
Oct 17, 2023
When I bought my 21’ M3 I bought it with EAP because I didn’t feel like FSD was remotely worth it but now I’m a subscriber on both my cars. But the other day I forgot to switch my payment method so for the day I didn’t have FSD, I decided to try EAP/ NOA and it is scary. It felt so unstable and unsafe. It attempted to get off the highway onto an on-ramp and mid switch it changed its mind and almost rode directly into the median trying to hard turn back onto the road and I had to swerve hard to not hit anything. I thought this might have been a fluke but it was not. It either completely ignored the exit made an extremely unsafe maneuver while attempting to get off the highway, or it did it just perfectly and naturally like FSD. I don’t think I will ever use this again, I will just stick to AP or FSD.


Active member
Feb 20, 2024
It seems like you got the European Experience with EAP/Autopilot:D It is acting dangerously sometimes here, but you have to remember this is only a Steer assist rather than a smart system. It can hold the vehicle in its lane, but nothing else. Knowing that, i only use it on well marked, mostly straight roads and disengage as soon as i have to turn or go in a roundabout. Dont ever try to get off a highway with Autopilot. Its dangerous for you and others on the road :D
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New member
Jun 12, 2024
Yep, that is somewhat expected. It seems that AP and EAP are lagging well behind what FSD is capable of. It somewhat makes me wonder if Tesla plans on integrating some more of the recent FSD capabilities into AP. In the sense of reasoning, and the end-to-end part, not so much the feature set of being able to drive itself autonomously. For example, it would be superb if AP could be hands free, or if it had the ability to switch lanes without completely disengaging and then having to reactivate it.
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Active member
Feb 20, 2024
Yep, that is somewhat expected. It seems that AP and EAP are lagging well behind what FSD is capable of. It somewhat makes me wonder if Tesla plans on integrating some more of the recent FSD capabilities into AP. In the sense of reasoning, and the end-to-end part, not so much the feature set of being able to drive itself autonomously. For example, it would be superb if AP could be hands free, or if it had the ability to switch lanes without completely disengaging and then having to reactivate it.
It can auto switch lanes without reengaging AP, but it requires you to set a turn signal to the lane you want to switch to (at least here in EU). They should at least push some of the smoothness and legal capabilities to the EU if FSD does not get approved this year :/ At the moment, AP can be dangerous for someone who dont know what its exactly capable of right now. It took some time for me to figure that out, now i know exactly where i can engage and where i do have to disengage.


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2024
It can hold the vehicle in its lane, but nothing else. Knowing that, i only use it on well marked, mostly straight roads and disengage as soon as i have to turn or go in a roundabout. Dont ever try to get off a highway with Autopilot. Its dangerous for you and others on the road :D
Good to know. I was wondering if I should add EAP, now I understand that without FSD it's pointless.
If you drive on basic and there are roadworks and yellow marks (also from finished work), good luck not hitting the sides or other cars.
Anyway the most terrible aspect about basic autopilot, now I guess also EAP, not sure about FSD is when a car is on your side and doesn't keep the lane, even if you already almost passed it. Instead of proceeding straight or try to adjust the trajectory, all you get is a hard braking action, which is completely pointless, because you might have the other hitting you from the back side.


New member
Oct 2, 2022
I thought about buying E.A.P but for around 5000$ I think we don’t really get that much. And I agree if I would think about buying it should have more of the FSD smoothnes. Think both AP and E.A.P is far behind.