How long can you drive with a "Replace low voltage battery" warning?


Active member
Sep 17, 2022
My MX started displaying a "Replace low voltage battery" warning the other day. Everything seems fine so far and I have an appointment next week to get it fixed, however i was wondering if I should have a Ranger replace it sooner. There seem to be conflicting stories on the Internets about being stranded because the 12v battery died. I'm sure that happens but I'm also pretty sure that people that don't get stranded never complain about it on the forums. So, how much danger am I in by waiting a week to get this fixed, really?

On a related note, I was already scheduled for a windshield replacement so I added the 12v replacement as an additional concern. Now the Tesla app is stuck in some loop where it tells me to schedule the appointment and won't let me message the support team until I do. However, I already confirmed the appointment confirmed so I can't re-confirm it. Arggghhh!!! I'm going to try to look up the phone number for my local service center.

Sometimes technology is not better than being able to talk to a real, live human being. ☹️


Well-known member
Oct 28, 2022
I've seen people go a few weeks with the warning. The real annoying thing that happened to the early 3's was- 12v died with no warning. So hopefully you have plenty of time. Those early 3s had a batch of batteries that just died without warning for some reason and that has been fixed.
Good luck contacting the SC, I've done it when looking for floor mats for the new 3 my GF has but I forget how I did that.


Active member
Sep 17, 2022
I just got back from the SC and they replaced the battery in 30 minutes. WooHoo! The service manager said that about 2 weeks is fairly safe, but you don't want to push it. Additionally, we're having a pretty cold snap here so I really didn't want to push it.

I ended up messaging the SC by clicking on the link in one of the SMS messages. This took me to the conversation thread in the Tesla app where I was able to send a message. (y)